New Hydrological Cycle Monitoring Network

Preliminary tests for the implementation and modernization of the hydrological and hydrogeological monitoring network began in the second half of September 2021. The new monitoring network will interest various sites on the Pianosa island and will make use of remote controlled data transmission and instrumental management. This initiative is part of IGG's PianosAquifer Project (scientific director Dr. Marco Doveri), which carries out research on the hydrological cycle and on the island's water resource.

The verification tests in progress are aimed at defining the best communication and data transmission structure between the monitoring sites and the BRP-CNR. The expected period for the final installation of the new set of tools and transmission systems is October-November 2021. E’ già passato, forse le date andrebbero aggiornate o semplicemente non inserite.

The map below shows the wells affected by the new instrumentation and the location of the new experimental site consisting of a high-precision lilysimeter and a meteorological station.

The instruments are illustrated below.
In deep wells and shallow wells, multiparametric probes will be introduced (CTD-Diver model produced by Schlumberger). The multiparametric probes will be connected to a control unit for data transmission to the BRP-CNR, where a local server will allow remote control.

At one of the network nodes, a multiparametric weather station and a new precision lysimeter, will be installed, near an handcrafted one that has been active since 2018 for the quantification and the chemical-isotopic characterization of seepage waters. The main part of this instrumentation will not be visible as it will be "buried" inside a pit with a section of about 200 x 200 cm, less than 100 cm deep. The transmission system and the photovoltaic power supply panel will have characteristics and dimensions very similar to those of the CTD-Diver stations.